The Vision Morning For our Community
Michael Tomlinson spoke first from the perspective of an MP. He did comment it was important to remember that Parliamentary Questions once a week was the only time the shouting etc occurred! The rest of the week there are lots of serious and informed discussions about the subjects. He identified three areas the church could help the community:
- Loneliness – Read for a better understanding of the situation.
- Mental Health – Psalm 88 is a very a depressing psalm, one that many people with mental health challenges identify with! 3 children in every class will be suffering with a diagnosed mental health problem.
- Family breakdown – The Mars Trust are doing some work in some local schools but not Lytchett.
Michael asked the question “How does community know what church doing”?
Andrew Mead then spoke about how proud he was of the youngsters at the school and the enormous amount many of them achieve. However with such a large school it is ineveitable that there are some challenges and he highlighted three:
- Social Media – This is becoming an addictive behaviour and youngsters are obsessed with talking trivia for hours on end. They get their self esteem from the contacts. It is also a source of bullying which cannot be easily contained within school so children who are being bullied are venerable 24 hours a day, no safe place. The school has a counsellor but they have 30 on the waiting list and the school would like to have two more but there is no more money available.
- Family Breakdown – Huge numbers of youngsters are trying to learn while dealing with divorce, bereavement, remarriage or new relationships and new siblings.
- Drugs – There is a problem with drugs in parts of our community and the school do invest a lot of time and energy trying to keep them out of school. However the ffect of drug taking is still affecting the pupils.
We then divided into groups to discuss these issues and what the church members could do to help.