Ladder Accident/Adventure

Thank you for everyone’s prayers, support and patience as I continue my recovery from the ladder fall on October 13th. Here are a few images from my journey that people has been asking to see.

This was the ladder and tree in question on a previous Thursday as I began to thin out the tree ready to cut it down.

On the day in question I was right at the top of their ladder trying to trim some higher branches when the ladder slipped and tipped me off.
The X rays below may give you some idea how the my wrist was both dislocated and the radius and ulna both fractured. I also had two fractures in my pelvis – known as the pubic rami.

They tried to manipulate the wrist that evening, and then plaster it straightaway but I was told a few hours later that this had not been successful. I think the following is a picture post-manipulation and plastering, here is a diagram of apparently what happened in my pelvis too.

The following day my wrist was operated on with the placement of 4 k-wires that appear like 4 tent pegs. These were drilled into the bones to hold them and the whole wrist together and then the whole wrist, with wires poking out, was put in a plaster cast which had to be kept elevated.

The room had a lovely view out to the Purbeck hills and a steady stream of various hospital staff came and went. There was a sign on the wall which made me chuckle and I felt cared for and loved as I received cards and messages from many people. After 5 nights I was finally released on Tuesday afternoon. This day involved a Nurse called Isaiah, a set bible reading from Isaiah 55 that read ‘You shall go out with joy.’ and a physio who was called Joy and cleared me to head home.

The next Tuesday I was back in Hospital at the fracture clinic to receive a more permanent and lighter plaster cast. Having had my heavy white cast removed I was then left for a few moments on my own and able to ponder the incredible skill that had involved just 4 small holes in my skin to place the k-wires in the correct places. Soon after I was given a nice orange plaster cast, nobbly due to being wrapped over the end of the wires/pegs.

2 weeks later I was back to have the cast changed and the wires pulled out. This was not a pleasant experience but I was glad to see the back of them. Unfortunately I was not allowed to bring them home as they were deemed too sharp and therefore unsafe!

The cast finally came off 6 weeks to the day from when I had fallen. I had a couple of sessions of physio for my wrist and am now continuing to do various physio exercises to help get the wrist back to full fitness although this will take at least 6 months. I was able to walk short distances on my pelvis, with a crutch, when I first came home and have gradually built up my walking strength since then. I waited until the new year to get back on my bike and am also starting to return to my light jogging over a few km as I continue to recuperate. I continue to be grateful for all the support I have had, it certainly has helped me see a lot of things from a new perspective.

After the accident I had to accept that I might not play my guitar again if my rebuilt wrist would not allow it. I prayed and left it with God and gradually it seemed like there was some hope. I started to stretch my wrist and fingers around the fretboard even while I was in a plaster cast and since having the cast off I have been working my way back to playing the full range of chords, and lengthening the time I can play for before needing to rest the wrist and hand. I had written a newsing that I had hoped to share with the Church in the Autumn, and was pleased to share it within our services early in January:

I can’t close without mentioning all the many staff I encountered on my adventure, I started by finding out the names of the Paramedics in the ambulance who took me to Poole Hospital – these were Julie and  Dagmara. And from then on I asked everyone I could what their names were (or read it on their name label) In the end I counted over 60 people who I had encountered and I am grateful to them all.

James – A&E doctor, Sarah – nurse , Dom who took bloods, Joe did ct scan, Emma x Ray, Annabel consultant surgeon, Phillip – care assistant, James – plasterer and gas man, Grace – x Ray, Azalea, Graham – the Porter, Cecile – taking stats, Thet – from bone Team, Sophie – tummy injection and drink, Susan – IV line for fluid, Linda – student nurse, Tanatswa – carer, Christiana- staff nurse, Magrat – cleaner, Eslam and Elef  – surgeons, Ramy, Mike consultant,, Marika – Occupational therapy trainee, Lamy, Linda Jason, Rebecca rebel anaesthetist, Emma – nurse practioner, James – chaplain, Elena and Linda -student nurses, Robert – cleaner, George – nurse or HCA, Zola, Mary, Emily, Kevin from Philippines, Chandra, Riya, Tammy, Lawrence – vitals check, Vicky with meds, Elaine – water, Sandra – food, Pippa – nurse, Marilyn – bins, Swepka – hca, Becky – student nurse, Valentin – hca, Anu – nurse, Adam – OT, Katie – pharmacist, Isaiah, Arinata, Mike consultant, Joy and Sam OT & physio, Jane – ward clerk, Neema – deputy sister.


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