Christingle Service

Come to St Marys on Sunday 11th December at 6pm

Christingle is a celebratory event that takes place in thousands of churches and schools across the country, raising funds that help The Children’s Society continue their work supporting young people.

Christingle means ‘Christ Light‘ and is used to celebrate Jesus Christ as the ‘Light of the World‘.

The history of the Christingle can be traced back to John de Watteville who started the tradition in Germany in 1747. At that time it was just a ribbon wrapped around a candle.

In 1968, John Pensom was raising funds for the Children’s Society and popularized the tradition to support the Charity.

The Children’s society is a national charity that runs local projects helping children and young people because it is a painful fact that many children and young people in Britain are still suffering extreme hardship, abuse and neglect.


In our Christingle service, you will make your own Christingle and think about the children who so desperately need our support.

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